Genetically enhanced humans have now become a reality
Genetically enhanced humans have now become a reality. Deep State using radiation to alter human DNA. Your food weaponized. Nano...
The first order of business is to say no to evil and behave yourself.
The first order of business is to say no to evil and behave yourself. Keep it clean keep it real. Learn to forgive yourself without...
The Gold Standard
Good morning class from the "Gaia Wellness & Healing Center" located here in Colorado. The coffee is good and I'm in a happy headspace....
"Holographic Inserts and Mind Control Technology"
Michael Kavanagh "Holographic Inserts and Mind Control Technology" by Michael Kavanagh. Note: An "Insert" is a fake or real memory being...
Do you think NASA is telling the truth about this planet and universe?
QUESTION: Is there a "Secret Space Program"? Do you think NASA is telling the truth about this planet and universe? Are the Sun and Moon...
777 represented by a Flaming Sword
777 represented by a Flaming Sword in which the Arch Angel Michael holds in his hand directing energy coming from the Godhead to earth....
The human mind is capable of amazing things if directed properly without the sins of judgement.
The human mind is capable of amazing things if directed properly without the sins of judgement. Each "Living Soul" must preform a task...
How nice! If your looking for a Spiritual Winning Lotto Ticket it ain't going to happen my frien
Both Eastern and Western Schools a System of Learning. But what does that mean you wonder? And why even bother? Will it make me happy and...
Here's good information that you might like regarding a practical holistic approach to healing a
Note: Organic CBD cannabis oil is particularly good at treating cancer, AIDS, chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, problems with...
"Channelled Holographic Access Network Interface"
Note: CHANI is an acronym for "Channelled Holographic Access Network Interface". A Top Secret CERN facility in Africa with various...
"Big Brother & Cannabis". G-13 government strains
"Big Brother & Cannabis". G-13 government strains that we got our hands on many years ago helped build the cannabis industry in Northern...
CIA Vault 7 Electronic Surveillance Warfare
Note: CIA Vault 7 electronic surveillance cyber warfare software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs, web...
The CIA Currently Has 137 Different Artificial Intelligence Projects
Dawn C. Meyerriecks, the CIA Deputy Director for Technology Development, said recently, the CIA currently has 137 different Artificial...
"Deep State Mind Control Inserts" using "Nano Technology" connected to "5G
Note: "Deep State Mind Control Inserts" using "Nano Technology" connected to "5G Technology" is a government operation regarding the...