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Welcome To Innate Awareness

~ Home of Nate Max & Nate Max Human Alliance ~

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"The Inner Smart body of the human being, the knowing without thinking,
the feeling without touching, that inner teacher we ALL have inside"

Thank you for joining us here at Innate awareness. This platform and global movement
dedicated to helping humans reach their highest potential. Our focus is on Sovereign Health,
Truth News, helping people Re-remember who they are, Sustainable living,
Cultivating vital Life force energy, true freedom
and the restoration of home
 (mother earth) 

We are in a time with more disease and sickness than ever in recorded history. People can't make good
decisions if their minds are swimming in a sea of toxic soup.  We are teaching our community to heal themselves rather than relying on the dead and dying medical system
(de population $$$$ agenda) currently in place.

Since the start of (the great reset) the mass mind control "IQ test" called COVID
Things have reached insanity levels. We must have the knowledge of how this matrix chess match works, 
be grounded, balanced, healthy,  consistent and take action towards a better world.



Nara - Posthumus

We have all the money, resources, technology, informtation and people to create a new way of living.

We live in an era when mentors, elders and inspirational humans are few and far between,
you are the new leaders about to step into Eldership and we are here to guide and help you.

Innate awareness is a reset back into the sacred & deep gnosis or "inner-standing" of who you really are.

We promote a multi-faceted approach and beings should be balanced in all areas.
Mental, physical, financially & spiritually,
With deep knowledge of this system at play.

Check out our videos, presentations, seminars, gatherings, healing products in our shop, ceremonies,
new feed and much more inside.

Please share our content to help stop the censorship of truth media

Make sure you check out our videos & shop with many products & healing protocols.

Nate Max


"The Dimming
The Global Geo-Engineering Disaster"

Australian Made Free Energy water Pumps

Empowering Videos For You Below

Updated Regularly, Scroll Through First Video Wim Hoff


Ambient Melodic House - Live Looping | 1 Hour 17 Mins Full Album

Reinhardt Buhr
Ambient Melodic House - Live Looping  | 1 Hour 17 Mins Full Album
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Ambient Melodic House - Live Looping  | 1 Hour 17 Mins Full Album

Ambient Melodic House - Live Looping | 1 Hour 17 Mins Full Album

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Reinhardt Buhr - Arise (2020 Full Album) - Ambient Ableton Live Looping

Reinhardt Buhr - Arise (2020 Full Album) - Ambient Ableton Live Looping

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This Will Revolutionize Our Future! 10 out of 10 People Activated It.

This Will Revolutionize Our Future! 10 out of 10 People Activated It.

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Wim Hof breathing tutorial by Wim Hof

Wim Hof breathing tutorial by Wim Hof

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Join My Telegram Chat Below for uncensored content and group chat forum

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Help stop the censorship & Join My Telegram Chat Group:
Search:   "Nate Max Human Alliance" Or Click Link Below

To Order These Hoodies & Other
Epic Clothes Click Below


For Gangster Clothing Click link below

Soulful Retreats

Check Out Our Global Retreats we will now be running in NSW up dates coming soon.

Join The "Official" Nate Max Tv Pod Cast For Uncensored Content
Click On The Image or Link Below

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Watch our planetary liberation Chi transmission series below. Very powerful information & meditation / clearings DNA Up grades

14th November Sydney Time 2023

Remaining Focused In A Multi-Dimensional War Webinar

During this webinar, Jake and Nate will be discussing the various known and unknown; seen and unseen influences that impact upon our mind, energy, mood and state of being in each moment.

This knowledge is critical for the full empowerment of humanity whom for the most part are oblivious to the most malevolent influences that hide behind a cloak of mystery; beyond the ordinary sensory view.

Join us as we go into detail about what these influences are and how you can protect yourself from them whilst opening up your Higher Senses to embody yourself as a Sovereign Being.

Webinar Date: 14th November

Time: 7pm AEST

During the webinar we will be undertaking a mass Quantum Healing session and Group Meditation to address some of the issues discussed in the webinar.

To join click link below


Join My New Bit Chute For all Videos clink the images below

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©2021 Innate Awareness | All Rights Reserved

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Follow my Nate Max Tv Pod Cast Click Image or link below


The ringing Cedars Of Russia books Anastasia

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We are moving to a private chat server away from Signal, telegram, Zoom, Fb, instagram. To stop giving our data away. This will be a private chat encrypted and only I will have the encryption keys. A Safe secure and fast to connect with like minded. It has brilliant features, like: live Zoom style chat rooms, profiles, private messaging service and much more. This will also have its own cloud style server with places to leave important files, videos, pics and content.
Sign up below and I will be in contact

Fill out this form to join our new chat server

Never miss an update

If you would like to donate to our Foundation to support our work, towards free energy, clean water, and empowering content. Feel free to click on the donate button below

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Nate Max
Thought Pioneer & Visionary of Human Potential Freedom Fighter, Human doing

Who Is Nate Max?

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