Investigation of Massive Child Trafficking Ring Exposes Police Facilitating Horrific Abuse of 1,000

A jaw-dropping independent investigation has revealed that hundreds of children, some as young as 11-years-old, are estimated to have been drugged, beaten, and raped over the last several decades in a single town. According to the investigation, the abuse was allowed and is continued to be allowed because authorities look the other way.
The investigation claims that allegations dating back to the 1980s were mishandled by authorities, who repeatedly failed to punish a network of abusers, according to the Telegraph. Countless victims and former victims have come forward detailing their abuse and the current abuse taking place in the #British town of #Telford.
In what is being referred to as “#Britain’s biggest ever child abuse scandal,” the evidence is so damning that Lucy Allan, the Conservative MP for Telford, has called for an inquiry into #childsexualabuse. According to the Telegraph, Allan calls the latest reports “extremely serious and shocking.” This is the second time Allan has called for such an investigation. “There must now be an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford so that our community can have absolute confidence in the authorities,” she told the Sunday Mirror.
However, according to the victims, they have very little confidence in the authorities as they have looked the other way for the last four decades.
As the Telegraph reports: The investigation claims that allegations dating back to the 1980s were mishandled by authorities in Telford, who repeatedly failed to punish a network of abusers. Victims claimed that similar abuse, which has been linked to three murders and two other deaths, has continued in the area.
According to the investigation, social workers were aware of the abuse in the 90’s and did nothing to stop it. Furthermore, police allowed the abuse to continue for more than a decade before they launched #OperationChalicewhich looked into child prostitution in Telford but only led to the arrests of a handful of men. The abuse continued because government officials considered the sex-trafficked children “prostitutes” so they didn’t care about them. When asked why they didn’t keep details of the abusers, the council allegedly claimed that they did not want to be accused of racism.
It is also claimed that abused and trafficked children were considered “prostitutes” by council staff, that authorities did not keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of being accused of “racism” and that police failed to investigate one recent case five times until an MP intervened. “These children were treated as sexual commodities by men who inflicted despicable acts of abuse. The survivors deserve an inquiry,” Dino Nocivelli, a specialist child abuse solicitor said. “They need to know how abuse took place for so long and why so many perpetrators have never been brought to justice.” A dozen victims spoke with the paper and accused more than 70 abusers. A 14-year-old girl detailed her abuse, describing how she became pregnant twice as she was being trafficked and forced to have abortions.
“Hours after my second termination, I was taken by one of my abusers to be raped by more men”, she said. Night after night, I was forced to have sex with multiple men in disgusting takeaways and filthy houses. I must have been getting the morning after pill from a local clinic at least twice a week but no one asked any questions. “I was told that if I said a word to anyone they’d come for my little sisters and tell my mum I was a prostitute.” Martin Evans, Assistant Chief Constable for West Mercia Police told the Sunday Mirror that “Tackling such horrific offences is the number one priority for police in Telford. “We have not only increased officer numbers to tackle this type of offending, but use all of our available resources and technology available to prosecute anyone who sexually offends against children whether that offending took place today, yesterday or decades ago.” However, according to the victims, the last thing they are receiving is help from authorities.
Multiple victims have come forward to claim they named their abusers and were simply ignored by police. As the Telegraph reports, one (victim) said that she left the investigation because she was not “emotionally supported” by the police. The other claimed officers deterred her from pursuing her request for evidence after they learnt she had contacted the paper.
Child trafficking and abuse in the United Kingdom is a horrifyingly common practice. As TFTP has reported on numerous occasions, authorities are either ignoring most of it, or, they are complicit in the abuse. Source: #freedom_faction