Anti-Vaccine Billboards Appear In Several US States
#Antivaccine billboards claiming that routine childhood shots are deadly have popped up in several #WestVirginia cities. They warn that...
How To Open The Doors Of Perception At Will Without Psychedelics
“The door to the soul is unlocked; you do not need to please the doorkeeper, the door in front of you is yours, intended for you, and the...
Micro-Dosing "Magic Mushrooms" May Boost Creativity, Says Study
Source: Ejay = IG= Freedom_Faction Thanks to researchers at #JohnHopkinsUniversity and brave participants willing to share their...
Switch to An Organic Diet & Reduce Your Pesticides Intake by as much as 90%
If you’re still on the fence on whether you should be eating organic food, researchers from #Australiahave you covered: In a study, they...
Bayer Stock Crashes after Monsanto Verdict Upheld By Judge; Analyst Estimates $800 Billion In Future
#Bayer greedily bought and swallowed the ‘#poisonpill’ of #Monsanto without considering its true liability. Fifty-seven billion Euros of...
Archbishop Accuses Pope of Sex Abuse Cover Up, Reportedly Flees Country Citing Threats to His Life
As TFTP reported earlier this week, a former #Vatican diplomat released a historical 11-page testament accusing the #catholicchurch — up...
China's New AI: Roumor Mongers Will Be Headed Straight To Prison
Spreading ‘online rumors’ that violate #Beijing’s official ‘truth’ can get you 7 years in jail, and everybody is turned into a rat to...
Operation Crossfire Hurricane: Pentagon Whistleblower Provides Documents That Prove Russia Probe Was
A suspended department of defense whistleblower has come forward saying that the #Russian probe into “#Russiancollusion” was “all a...
How Scientists Engineer Foods to Make Them Dangerously Addictive
It’s no secret that the standard #American diet is having a terrible effect on human #health. What’s is a secret, though, is how the...
Declassified FBI Document Suggests "Beings From Other Dimensions" Have Visited Earth
There are a number of fascinating documents that have been released by governments, military and intelligence agencies from all over the...
Questions Need To Be Asked About Global "Wild" Firestorms: Mother Nature OR Technology
Thoughts? According to select news reports we in the #USA are permitted to know and to see by those who control the news, “it’s...
US Secret Service Employee Among 2,300 Suspected Child Sex Offenders Nabbed in Nationwide Operation
A three-month operation has resulted in the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected #childsexoffenders, including a #SecretService employee,...
MONSANTO Squares Off With Man Dying of Cancer In Roundup Trial..
Lee Johnson’s doctors didn’t think he’d live long enough to testify in court that exposure to #MonsantoCo.’s #Roundup weed killer caused...
For the First Time Ever, Lawsuit Targets Billionaire Oxycontin Family for Causing Opioid Epidemic
Members of the #Sacklerfamily, who’ve made billions pushing their deadly #OxyContin drug on the masses are arguably responsible for more...
Have scientists discovered the brain reigion involved in spiritual experinces?
Whether we think of ourselves as religious or not, lots of people experience moments in life that can be considered #spiritual - where we...