Gathering Of Momentum 20 "Reddox Signalling Molecules" Featuring Alan Noble, Su Fenn &
This is a powerful interview where we talk about a new technology now available ASEA Reddox Signalling molecules which has emerged with...

IN DEPTH: Syria Stuns World, Thwarts US Attack..But is there something else going on beneath the sur
The Syrian Arab Army has stunned the world with its successful defense of Damascus, assets, and military installations in the early hours...

Very Important Seminar Regarding Vego / Vegan Health + Tips to lower disease
This guys voice is a little strange but this is a beauty, a very informative seminar. He touches on all the major minerals deficiencies...

What They're NOT Telling You About Syria Syrian Girl & Paul Joseph Watson
Mimi Al-Laham, AKA Syrian Girl, joins Paul Joseph Watson live via Skype to reveal what they're not telling you about Syria. Help us...

No Trace Of Chemical Weapons & No Sign From Victims in Hospital Of Poisoning
False flag from "The White Helmets" NO Chemical Attacks & Residue of Chemicals A pree Text to start a WW3 with Russia. Larouche Pac

Larouche Pac Interview "NO Chemical Attack in Syria"
Virginia State Senator Richard Black discusses the latest "chemical attack" in Syria as a false flag attempt at pressuring Trump into a...

BREAKING: SYRIAN GIRL Explains Who Is Behind The Latest "Chemical Attack" In Douma, Syria
An actual "credible source" of information on the latest false flag attack which has happened in Syria. There is Zero evidence that there...

UN unable to ‘independently verify allegations’ of alleged chem attack
. .. in Syria’s Douma The UN has admitted that it is unable to independently verify the allegations. “We’re not in a position at this...

How to Detox Heavy Metals to Help End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue
Detoxification is an important aspect of optimal health, but can be quite confusing, not to mention risky if done incorrectly. Wendy...

Gathering Of Momentum 19 "Mk Ultra Mind & Gun Control The Scary Connection"
Hey beautiful people here is the latest installment of @Nate_Max_Tv YouTube & PodCasts. We solidified the connection between these mass...

Language, Etymology and Symbolism: Cullen Smith on Collective Imagination
Lifting The Veil "Cullen Smith" https://www.patreon.com/Liftingtheveil

IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film
Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the West, and with courage face the Shadow. From Shadow into Light....

The "SIDS" Con Job- Child Sacrifice Dressed Up As Chance Happening
The SIDS Con Job - Child Sacrifice Dressed Up As Chance Happening When is the last time something that could kill your child, was...

Mammograms Proven to Cause Breast Cancer.
Mammograms Proven to Cause Breast Cancer Growth and Spread Here we see that mammograms are proven to cause breast cancer but how could...

Simple Lies or Inconvenient Truths
You don't need coffee.......you need sleep. You don't need porn........you need connection. You don't need alcohol.......you need to talk...

REVEALED: David Hogg working with George Soros Group to Oust Republicans from congress
Parklandschoolshootingactivist #DavidHogg is now openly supporting a #GeorgeSoros group whose aim is to crash the town halls of...

State Sets Massive Precedent, Makes Big Pharma Pay to Fix Opioid Crisis THEY CAUSED
Arkansas has become the latest state to hold #BigPharmaaccountable for its role in the country’s ongoing #opioidcrisis, but unlike the...

Who Owns Your Straw Man??
Since the early 1960s, State governments have issued Birth Certificates to "persons" with legal fictional names using "ALL CAPS" names....