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Black Seed Oil

Nigella Sativa

Black Seed Oil or Nigella Sativa    "Fight Illness The Natural Way "Found In King Tut's Tomb in Egypt 3,300 years ago"This Humble, but immensely powerful oil, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the Diabetics pancreas and too few even know about it"Black seed is a plant, its botanical name is "Nigella Sativa". People have used the seed to make medicine for over 2000 years. It was even discovered in the tomb of King Tut in Egypt. Historically, black seed has been used for headache, toothache, nasal congestion, and intestinal worms. It has also been used for “pink eye” (conjunctivitis), pockets of infection (abscesses), and parasites.

Today, black seed is used for treating digestive tract conditions including gas, colic
, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, and haemorrhoids. It is also used for respiratory conditions including asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis, emphysema, flu, swine flu, and congestion. Other uses include lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, treating cancer, and boosting the immune system.

You may read that a patent has been issued to cover the use of black seed to improve immunity
It contains vitamins crystalline Nigellone, Amino Acids, Saponin, Crude Fiber Proteins and Fatty Acids, like Linoleic and Oleic Acids, Volatile Oils, Alkaloids, Iron, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium. This amazing seed is sourced from remote areas in Asia & cold pressed for oil locally in Australia..

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