The Big Social Media Companies Are Being Used As A Weapon To Advance The Agenda Of The New World Ord
In 2018, we have seen an unprecedented crackdown on #antiestablishment voices on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. When they were first created, these social media platforms were essentially neutral, and they really did greatly contribute to the marketplace of ideas. But now there is a tremendous effort to censor voices that are a threat to the establishment, and in recent months we have witnessed the greatest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet. Anything that does not conform to the agenda of the elite is being labeled as “hate speech”, and countless anti-establishment voices have had social media accounts either “#shadowbanned” or terminated completely. Needless to say, this could dramatically affect the outcome of the elections in November. And it isn’t just political voices that are being silenced. As you will see at the end of this article, Facebook has been shutting down dozens and dozens of alternative health pages. Why would they do that? Well, the #NewWorldOrder absolutely hates when people start questioning conventional medicine, vaccines and the giant pharmaceutical companies. Rather than engaging in legitimate debate, they would rather shut down dissenting voices instead. Before the Internet came along, the elite had a virtual monopoly over the flow of information in our society. They owned all of the television networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, etc. But then the Internet happened, and all of a sudden ordinary people like you and I could communicate with one another on a mass scale without having to go through the gatekeepers. It was a wonderful thing, but we all knew that it wouldn’t be like that forever. We can debate the extent to which the #globalists are directly pulling the strings at these social media companies behind the scenes, but the end result of all of this #censorship is evident to all of us. Anti-establishment voices are being silenced, and the agenda of the New World Order is being advanced At this point, the censorship of anti-establishment voices is so obvious that even liberal news outlets are reporting on it. The following comes from Vice News…The Republican Party chair Ronna McDaniel, several conservative Republican congressmen, and Donald Trump Jr.’s spokesman no longer appear in the auto-populated drop-down search box on Twitter, VICE News has learned. It’s a shift that diminishes their reach on the platform — and it’s the same one being deployed against prominent racists to limit their visibility. The profiles continue to appear when conducting a full search, but not in the more convenient and visible drop-down bar. (The accounts appear to also populate if you already follow the person.) Vice News mentioned just a few examples, but the truth is that hundreds of prominent anti-establishment conservatives have been “shadowbanned” on Twitter. Conservative members of Congress such as Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes have all been victimized, and earlier today U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz posted a furious tweet in which he accused Twitter of “deliberately targeting” all of them.If Democrats were being treated the same way, at least we could say that Twitter was being fair. But Vice News discovered that not a single liberal member of Congress has been shadowbanned… Democrats are not being “shadow banned” in the same way, according to a VICE News review. McDaniel’s counterpart, Democratic Party chair Tom Perez, and liberal members of Congress — including Reps. Maxine Waters, Joe Kennedy III, Keith Ellison, and Mark Pocan — all continue to appear in drop-down search results. Not a single member of the 78-person Progressive Caucus faces the same situation in Twitter’s search.When you are shadowbanned, it becomes much more difficult for people to find your account, and whatever you post is seen by a lot fewer people.Prior to the Vice News article, Gizmodo discovered that quite a number of top anti-establishment Internet pundits were receiving the “shadowban” treatment as well… “In what appears to be new ranking behavior, Gizmodo has identified several prominent far-right accounts now buried by Twitter’s search feature,” the site claimed. “As an unintended side effect of demoting divisive figures, many of the dropdown results now show fake accounts.” Some examples of accounts which have been censored include author and journalist Mike Cernovich, author and YouTuber Stefan Molyneux, InfoWars Editor-at-Large Paul Joseph Watson, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, and commentator Laura Loomer.And Breitbart added quite a few more names to the list…Breitbart News also discovered other examples of censored users, which included author and commentator Lauren Southern, OAN correspondent Jack Posobiec, Dilbert creator Scott Adams, lawyer and commentator Will Chamberlain, Gateway Pundit reporters Lucian Wintrich and Cassandra Fairbanks, Daily Caller contributor Scott Greer, Daily Caller reporter Peter J. Hasson, Daily Caller and Rebel Media journalist Rob But let’s not just pick on Twitter. Facebook is an even bigger offender, and it has been reported that traffic from Facebook to many conservative sites is down by 70 percent or more since the 2016 election. YouTube is a major offender as well. On Wednesday, we learned that they just deleted four more videos from the Infowars YouTube channel…YouTube removed four videos from Jones’ channel, which has 2.4 million subscribers, that contained instances of hate speech and child endangerment, sources familiar with the matter said. YouTube channels are deleted if they get three strikes in a three-month period.Two videos contained hate speech against Muslims, and a third contained hate speech against transgender people, sources said. A fourth showed a child who was pushed to the ground by an adult man, under the headline “How to prevent liberalism.” All four of the videos are currently posted on Infowars.And prior to that, YouTube completely shut down the SGTreport…My You Tube channel has been terminated. 3rd strike for no good reason. #Censorship #BigBrother Please tweet to @TeamYouTube & demand that this injustice be immediately corrected by restoring my channel.There were hundreds of high quality videos on that channel, and now they are all gone.It is important to keep in mind that it appears that it is only anti-establishment voices that are receiving this kind of treatment. In fact, I don’t know of a single “never Trump” Republican that has been censored. Establishment voices on the “left” and the “right” are being totally left alone, but anti-establishment voices are being relentlessly persecuted.And like I said at the beginning, it isn’t just political voices that are being censored. Global Freedom Movement recently compiled a list of 82 major alternative health pages that have been taken down by Facebook… Freedom Faction