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Canola Oil Designed For Disease

Canola Oil.........Designed For Disease

It's a known fact that canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Mustard gas was made from rape seeds and used in World War II for genocide. Rape seed is the most toxic of all food-oil plants, much more toxic than soy oil, yet Canada annually exports over 3 million tons of canola seed, over 700,000 tons of canola oil and a million tons of canola “meal.” And guess who Canada’s #1 buyer is … yep, the U.S.A. (

‘Organic’ canola is genetically modified (GMO) rapeseed. Rape is actually a weed and even insects won’t eat it, so why are millions of people eating canola every day whether it’s organic or not? If canola oil is processed from rapeseed oil, which is highly toxic to humans, can canola legitimately be labeled “organic,” just because the farmers aren’t using pesticides or chemical fertilizers?

Even if canola is labeled organic, major doubt remains about its value to the human body. Canola oil is high in glycosides, which means it inhibits enzyme function. Over the long term, this destroys the protective sheath (coating) surrounding nerves. Once that sheath is gone, nerve damage is being done. So, for the most part, canola oil makes your body more vulnerable to cancer. Now let’s back up a little here.

Rape oil itself causes emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation and blindness in animals, including humans. So what’s the bottom line? Canola oil actually carries the mutated genes, no matter what kind of “processing” the food “product” is put through.

It's now believed that “rapeseed” has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms manifest.


More discussed in this video by The Truther Girls..... Jason Christoff

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